Friday, September 28, 2007

Erasmus, VLIR, Quota???

This year will be hectic schedule for me, to prepare all the documents needed for the scholarship of erasmus, vlir-belgium and quota-norway. i know all those documents will take more effort and especially more money to be carried out, but i believe it is worthed after i gain one of those scholarship.

With my work activities, i need to reschedule my time in order to have more time on toefl or ielts study. it is not easy task to do but also it is not difficult if i want to push more and more to myself.

Today i got a success story from my old friend "ferry" who has toefl score of 650++ great huh... i have to be more than that.he will go next year to Netherland for Advance Master Degree... gosh... i want to reach the same result like him...

push..push and push more....

wish me the best friends... thanks for reading this

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