Monday, September 3, 2007

I'll see you in heaven "brother Jhonly"

September 1, 2007 at 5-6 in the morning, my brother felt terrible pain in his lung and hard to breath, all his family cried loudly and hope that he would be ok, nurses and doctor worked so hard to maintain his breath, his mother stared him deeply with faith in her heart to GOD....times running and running...


God has another plan for Jhonly life, HE called him and ended his life period on the earth. A deep lost for his beloved family. I knew about that sad news when my mother woke me up and she cried "Jhonly just passed away" I woke up so fast and ignored my room condition (actually really mess every part of my room). One by one neighbors came and prepared the venue for beloved Jhonly.


So many questions appeared in all of his family and friends but...with all the pain and suffer period, I think it was the best thing for him.

Me and Jhonly???

You can say that i very closed with him because we grown up together since we were kids and i will remember one event with him when both of us lost and we didnt know how to get back home, the funniest thing we lost at the back of our house, can you imagine that? ^__^hahaha....both of us just laugh so loud when we knew where we are actually...

Jhonly you back again to Thee. I believe Jesus has saves you before you die and i'll see you in heaven brother.

From dust back to dust in Jesus Christ.

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