Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Finally I found "Cliffs"

"Rush..rush...rush or you will not get that book at all"
That is true my friends. When you want to prepare for toefl test, one of reference book is Cliffs Toefl Preparation Guide which is so hard to find. Me my self have experienced such thing like that, i have been looking for that book almost 6 months but finally..finally i got Cliffs.
Las night i already read it and i found it easy to understand and i am sure it will give me huge effect to increase my toefl score. i am fully confident to get more and more grammar knowledge and understanding of it.
Today i have class in the evening with dr. Yovsyah and a little bit hectic with my work tasks. I hope today is gonna be ok and everything run well as i planned.
writing and writing, i will never stop doing it, so that my english writing ability will improve from day to day. i come, work with me and together we will gain success........... wish me the best friends...
God Bless you all

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