Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Preparing for TOEFL Test

practice makes perfect......

when you read the sentence above, probably only few of you who dont know about it. In everything we do, that sentence always appear in daily life. the same thing happen to me right now, due to my application for VLIR (Belgium) and UiO (Norway), i have to get ready for my toefl test by the end of this month and 2 weeks after that.

every day i have to read and remember also "practice" for grammar that section II in toefl test has major effect for other score in other two sections (listening and reading). yesterday i searched for article by Ahmad Syamil about "how to beat toefl test?", and i found that very interesting. It gave me new spirit for my plan to fight for better and higher score which is 600. For the time being my toefl score only 550 but i praise the Lord for that and i strive for the best.

i am not pretending to be sanctimonious because i have to become my self, i mean my real Jerico Pardosi or in other word "down to earth".

well, there are lot of methods and techniques to "beat" toefl but i figured out that daily practice will add greatly to my knowledge of english. i just do what should i have to do and give the very best for my self in order to reach their requirements. The question is "Can i do it?"

Absolutely "YES". For you readers, please pray for me so that i gain the expect toefl score. Never stop learning eventhough at the first time you fail, you have to get up again with new and refresh power that make you capable of doing and reaching for your goal. Let us make the score for your own good. GOAL......GOAL.....GOAL.....

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