Friday, September 28, 2007

Erasmus, VLIR, Quota???

This year will be hectic schedule for me, to prepare all the documents needed for the scholarship of erasmus, vlir-belgium and quota-norway. i know all those documents will take more effort and especially more money to be carried out, but i believe it is worthed after i gain one of those scholarship.

With my work activities, i need to reschedule my time in order to have more time on toefl or ielts study. it is not easy task to do but also it is not difficult if i want to push more and more to myself.

Today i got a success story from my old friend "ferry" who has toefl score of 650++ great huh... i have to be more than that.he will go next year to Netherland for Advance Master Degree... gosh... i want to reach the same result like him...

push..push and push more....

wish me the best friends... thanks for reading this

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Rules from God

From my friend email (nice to read--highly recommended) :
1. Wake Up !!Decide to have a good day."Today is the day the Lord has made;let us rejoice and be glad in it."Psalms 118:24

2. Dress Up !!The best way to dress up is to put on a smile.A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks."The Lord does not look at the things man looks at.Man looks at outward appearance;but the Lord looks at the heart."I Samuel 16:7

3. Shut Up!!Say nice things and learn to listen.God gave us two ears and one mouth, so He must have meantfor us to do twice as much listening as talking."He who guards his lips guards his soul."Proverbs 13:3

4. Stand Up!!...For what you believe in.Stand for something or you will fall for anything.."Let us not be weary in doing good; for at the proper time,we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good..."Galatians 6:9-10

5. Look Up !!...To the Lord."I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me."Philippians 4:13

6.. Reach Up !!...For something higher."Trust in the Lord with all your heart,and lean not unto your own understanding.In all your ways, acknowledge Him,and He will direct your path."Proverbs 3:5-6

7. Lift Up !!...Your Prayers."Do not worry about anything;instead PRAY ABOUTEVERYTHING."Philippians 4:6

Monday, September 24, 2007

Ready for Christmas Celebration...

Ooooops...i never realize that time has come for Christmas Celebration. Yesterday i had meeting with several friends who are in charge of our christmas celebration 2007, and all of us have the same mission or hope to make a different and unforgettable christmas event for youth people in Jakarta and its surrounding.

well, if you read this, please pray for our christmas event so that it will work as we planned it before.

I cant wait for Christmas Celebration 2007.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A Devout and Holy Life

Ramblin’ Dan, 8.23.07,
http://www.thehighc Library/RamblinD an.asp?BlogID= 348, http://feeds. feedburner. com/RamblinDan

A helpful guide and inspiration to the high calling of our daily work is the writings of an eighteenth century churchman, William Law. In his writings, Law spelled out what it meant to live the Christian life during that time in England . In particular, A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life* serves us today as guide for living a full life, devoted to God.

He, therefore, is the devout man, who lives no longer to his own will, or the way and spirit of the world, but to the sole will of God, who considers God in everything, who serves God in everything, who makes all the parts of his common life parts of piety, by doing everything in the Name of God, and under such rules as are conformable to His glory. (Chapter 1**)

Law is not just referring to the clerical life, the monastic life, or the ascetic life. He’s talking about all of life. Each of us should live a life that is fully devoted to Christ. Each of us should consider our response to God in all things. Follow the path Jesus set before us. Recognize the difference between the way of the world and the way of Christ.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Finally I found "Cliffs"

"Rush..rush...rush or you will not get that book at all"
That is true my friends. When you want to prepare for toefl test, one of reference book is Cliffs Toefl Preparation Guide which is so hard to find. Me my self have experienced such thing like that, i have been looking for that book almost 6 months but finally..finally i got Cliffs.
Las night i already read it and i found it easy to understand and i am sure it will give me huge effect to increase my toefl score. i am fully confident to get more and more grammar knowledge and understanding of it.
Today i have class in the evening with dr. Yovsyah and a little bit hectic with my work tasks. I hope today is gonna be ok and everything run well as i planned.
writing and writing, i will never stop doing it, so that my english writing ability will improve from day to day. i come, work with me and together we will gain success........... wish me the best friends...
God Bless you all

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Preparing for TOEFL Test

practice makes perfect......

when you read the sentence above, probably only few of you who dont know about it. In everything we do, that sentence always appear in daily life. the same thing happen to me right now, due to my application for VLIR (Belgium) and UiO (Norway), i have to get ready for my toefl test by the end of this month and 2 weeks after that.

every day i have to read and remember also "practice" for grammar that section II in toefl test has major effect for other score in other two sections (listening and reading). yesterday i searched for article by Ahmad Syamil about "how to beat toefl test?", and i found that very interesting. It gave me new spirit for my plan to fight for better and higher score which is 600. For the time being my toefl score only 550 but i praise the Lord for that and i strive for the best.

i am not pretending to be sanctimonious because i have to become my self, i mean my real Jerico Pardosi or in other word "down to earth".

well, there are lot of methods and techniques to "beat" toefl but i figured out that daily practice will add greatly to my knowledge of english. i just do what should i have to do and give the very best for my self in order to reach their requirements. The question is "Can i do it?"

Absolutely "YES". For you readers, please pray for me so that i gain the expect toefl score. Never stop learning eventhough at the first time you fail, you have to get up again with new and refresh power that make you capable of doing and reaching for your goal. Let us make the score for your own good. GOAL......GOAL.....GOAL.....

Friday, September 7, 2007

My Friend Profile--Evi

Hi Friends, every month i will post profile of my friends and you can contact also through his/her email address....let make this world more friendly

here we go...this month goes to Evi Suryani

Name : Evi Suryani
Education : Computer Bachelor
Religion : Moslem
Date of Birth : April 06, 1977
Office : National Institute of Health Research and Development
Other friends opinion about her :
"easy going"
"always smile"
"still single"

want to make friend with her just send email to :

For Indonesian Job Seeker


Nomor : PENG/25/VIII/ 2007


Departemen Pertahanan Republik Indonesia membuka kesempatan kepada Warga Negara Indonesia pria dan wanita :
1. Unit Organisasi Departemen Pertahanan memerlukan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) :
a. Untuk golongan III/b sebanyak 1 orang
b. Untuk golongan III/a sebanyak 2 orang
c. Untuk golongan II/c sebanyak 2 orang
2. Unit Organisasi Mabes TNI memerlukan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) :
Untuk golongan III/a sebanyak 6 orang
3. Unit Organisasi TNI AD memerlukan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) :
a. Untuk golongan III/b sebanyak 90 orang
b. Untuk golongan III/a sebanyak 32 orang
c. Untuk golongan II/c sebanyak 350 orang
4. Unit Organisasi TNI AL memerlukan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS):
a. Untuk golongan III/b sebanyak 8 orang
b. Untuk golongan III/a sebanyak 1 orang
c. Untuk golongan II/c sebanyak 166 orang
5. Unit Organisasi TNI AU memerlukan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) :
a. Untuk golongan III/b sebanyak 60 orang
b. Untuk golongan III/a sebanyak 10 orang
c. Untuk golongan II/c sebanyak 306 orang


1. Status Pelamar
a. Warga Negara Indonesia baik pria maupun wanita
b. Berkelakuan baik yang dibuktikan dengan Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian.
c. Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai PNS/Anggota TNI/ Polri maupun sebagai pegawai swasta dengan Surat Pernyataan.
d. Tidak berkedudukan sebagai CPNS dan tidak sedang terikat perjanjian/kontrak kerja dengan instansi lain dengan Surat Pernyataan.
e. Tidak bersuami/beristrika n seorang yang berkewarganegaraan asing atau tanpa kewarganegaraan dengan mencantumkan surat keterangan dari Kelurahan/kepala desa.
f. Usia maksimum pada tanggal 1 Oktober 2007
1) Dokter Spesialis 40 tahun.
2) Dokter Umum 35 tahun.
3) S1 dan D3 berusia 30 tahun.
2. Keadaan Jasmani dan Rohani Pelamar
a. Tinggi badan, minimal untuk Pria 160 Cm, Wanita 155 Cm
b. Berat badan mendekati ideal (tidak overweight dan tidak underweight)
c. Tidak tuna rungu dan tuna wicara
d. Memiliki dua mata (tidak juling, tidak buta warna, tidak palsu)
e. Tidak bertato dan bertindik (kecuali karena adat)
f. Berpenampilan baik

3. Tata cara pengajuan lamaran
a. Surat lamaran ditujukan untuk :

Jalan Merdeka Barat No. 13-14
Jakarta Pusat kode pos : 10110


U.p. Aspers
Mabes TNI
Cilangkap Jakarta Timur kode pos : 13870


Yth. Kepala Staf Angkatan Darat
U.p. Ka Ajendam
Tempat (sesuai alamat)


Yth. Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut
Cilangkap – Jakarta Timur kode pos : 13870


Yth. Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara
Cilangkap – Jakarta Timur kode pos : 13870

b. Formulir Lamaran diambil di masing-masing tempat Pendaftaran
c. Tempat pendaftaran :
1) Departemen Pertahanan, Jln. Tanah Abang Timur No 8 Jakarta Pusat.
2) Mabes TNI di GOR Ahmad Yani Cilangkap Jakarta Timur dan Panitia Daerah.
3) Mabesad di AJENDAM I s.d. IX, XVI, XVII, IM dan Jaya.
4) Mabesal di Mabesal Cilangkap Jakarta Timur dan Panitia Daerah.
5) Mabesau di Mabesau Cilangkap Jakarta Timur dan Panitia Daerah.
d. Nama pelamar harus ditulis lengkap beserta dengan gelar akademik (khusus D-III, Sarjana (S-1), dan Dokter serta Apoteker)
e. Alamat pelamar harus ditulis lengkap dan jelas dengan mencantumkan KODE POS dan Nomor Telpon atau Hand Phone yang mudah dihubungi dari pelamar.
f. Berkas lamaran dimasukan ke dalam map folio pengadaan dengan warna :
1) Merah untuk lamaran : D-III
2) Kuning untuk lamaran : S-1
3) Hijau untuk lamaran : Dokter/Psikiater/ Apoteker

g. Pendaftaran dimulai tanggal 6 s/d 7 September 2007 di masing-masing tempat pendaftaran pada jam kerja

4. Berkas lamaran dengan lampiran-lampiranny a supaya disusun sesuai dengan urutan persyaratan sebagai berikut :
a. Formulir lamaran dengan pas foto 3x4 dan 4x6, berwarna dengan latar belakang merah, masing-masing 5 lbr.
b. Foto copy KTP sebanyak 3 lembar.
c. Surat Lamaran tulis tangan bermeterai Rp. 6.000,-
d. Daftar Riwayat Hidup singkat.
e. Foto copy Ijazah dan Transkrip nilai yang dilegalisir
- Fotocopy Ijazah (D-III,S1 dan/atau S2) berikut transkrip nilai yang sudah dilegalisir (cap dan tanda tangan asli) oleh Dekan/Direktur Program atau Ditjen Dikti Depdiknas bagi lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Luar Negeri (Surat Keterangan Kelulusan/Ijazah Sementara tidak dapat diterima)
f. Foto copy Akte Kelahiran/Kenal Lahir.
g. Foto copy Kartu Tanda Pencari Kerja (dari Depnaker).
h. Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK).
i. Surat Keterangan Bebas Narkoba (terbaru).
j. Surat Kesehatan (terbaru).

5. Tahapan Seleksi
Seleksi penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Dephan dilakukan dengan tahapan-tahapan sebagai berikut :
a. Seleksi Administratif meliputi kelengkapan berkas persyaratan umum maupun khusus.
b. Seleksi Kesehatan (Test darah dan urine, Jantung, Gigi, Mata, THT, Radiologi dan Penyakit Dalam).
c. Seleksi Kesamaptaan jasmani (semapta A lari 12 menit).
d. Wawancara :
1) Test Mental Idiologi.
2) Test Kompetensi.
e. Test tertulis sesuai tingkatannya, meliputi :
1) Test Pengetahuan Umum (TPU) :
a) Ideologi : Pancasila dan UUD 45.
b) Politik : Sistem Administrasi Negara RI (Sanri), Sistem Pemerintahan Pusat dan Daerah, Politik Luar Negeri.
c) Ekonomi : Sistem ekonomi Indonesia, Kebijakan Fiskal dan moneter, Perdagangan Bebas.
d) Sosial budaya : Sejarah kebangsaaan dan masyarakat madani.
e) Pertahanan dan Keamanan : Wawasan Nusantara, Sistem Pertahanan dan keamanan.
f) Hukum : Norma hukum, azas hukum, supremasi hukum.
2). Test Bakat Skolastik (TBS), mengukur potensi seseorang dengan belajar berdasarkan penalaran verbal, penalaran kuantitatif dan penalaran analisis.
3). Test Bahasa Inggris.

6. Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi.
a. Pengumuman lulus/tidak lulus seleksi administratif, kesehatan, kesemaptaan, dan wawancara dilaksanakan oleh panitia unit masing-masing.
b. Seleksi test tertulis dilaksanakan bagi peserta yang telah lulus seleksi sebelumnya (sistem gugur).
c. Peserta yang dinyatakan lulus test tertulis selanjutnya akan ditetapkan oleh Panitia Penentu Akhir sesuai alokasi formasi dan kualifikasi pendidikan yang dibutuhkan.
d. Keputusan Panitia tidak dapat diganggu gugat.


1. Departemen Pertahanan membutuhkan CPNS sebagai berikut :
a. Berijazah Sarjana S-1
1) Psikologi (Profesi) = 1 orang
2) Bahasa/Umum = 2 orang
3) Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri, Swasta yang terakreditasi A oleh Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi, atau lulusan luar negeri, dengan persyaratan IPK Ilmu Sosial minimal 3.25 (tiga koma dua lima) dan IPK Ilmu Exacta minimal 2.75 (dua koma tujuh lima).
4) Menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan nilai setara TOEFL 350.
b. Berijazah Diploma 3 (D III)
1) Keperawatan = 2 orang
2) Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri, Swasta yang terakreditasi Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi, atau lulusan luar negeri, dengan persyaratan IPK : minimal 2.75 (dua koma tujuh lima).
3) Menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan nilai setara TOEFL 350

2. Mabes TNI
a. Berijazah Sarjana S-1
1) Hukum = 5 orang
2) Ekonomi = 1 orang

3. Mabesad
a. Berijazah Ilmu Kedokteran/Apoteker /Psikologi
1) Kedokteran Umum (Profesi) = 67 orang
2) Dokter Gigi (Profesi) = 16 orang
3) Apoteker (Profesi) = 2 orang
4) Psikologi (Profesi) = 5 orang
b. Berijazah Sarjana S-1
1) Manajemen = 2 orang
2) Ilmu Sosial/Komunikasi = 9 orang
3) Komputer/Informatik a = 4 orang
4) Kesehatan Masyarakat = 4 orang
5) Keperawatan = 8 orang
6) Ekonomi Akuntansi = 5 orang
c. Berijazah Diploma 3 (D-III)/Akademi
1) Keperawatan = 167 orang
2) Kebidanan = 17 orang
3) Analis Kesehatan = 16 orang
4) Teknik Rontgen = 8 orang
5) Gizi = 24 orang
6) Okupasi Terapi = 4 orang
7) Fisioterapi = 8 orang
8) Rekam Medik = 7 orang
9) Rehab Medik = 12 orang
10) Akademi Teknik Medik = 2 orang
11) Kesehatan Lingkungan = 8 orang
12) Teknik Gigi = 8 orang
13) Komputer/Informatik a = 10 orang
14) Farmasi = 15 orang
15) Kesehatan Gigi/Keperawatan Gigi = 10 orang
16) Umum/Semua Jurusan = 34 orang

4. Mabesal
a. Berijazah Ilmu Kedokteran/Apoteker /Psikologi
1) Kedokteran Umum (Profesi) = 2 orang
2) Dokter Gigi (Profesi) = 2 orang
3) Apoteker (Profesi) = 1 orang
4) Psikologi Klinis (Profesi) = 3 orang
b. Berijazah Sarjana Informatika = 1 orang
c. Berijazah Diploma 3 (D-3)/Akademi
1) Keperawatan = 63 orang
2) Kebidanan = 11 orang
3) Analis Kesehatan = 17 orang
4) Teknik Rontgen = 12 orang
5) Gizi = 9 orang
6) Fisioterapi = 12 orang
7) Kesehatan Lingkungan = 8 orang
8) Teknik Gigi = 7 orang
9) Komputer/Informatik a = 3 orang
10) Farmasi = 6 orang
11) Refraksi = 6 orang
12) Anestesi = 4 orang
13) Kesehatan Gigi/Keperawatan Gigi = 4 orang
14) Informatika = 4 orang

5. Mabesau
a) Berijazah Ilmu Kedokteran/Apoteker /Psikologi
1) Kedokteran Umum (Profesi) = 36 orang
2) Dokter Gigi (Profesi) = 15 orang
3) Psikologi Klinis (Profesi) = 2 orang
4) Psikologi (Profesi) = 3 orang
5) Apoteker = 4 orang
b. Berijazah Sarjana S-1
1) Bahasa Inggris = 2 orang
2) Theologi (Katholik & Protestan ) = 4 orang
3) Ekonomi/Akuntansi = 4 orang
c. Berijazah Diploma 3 (D-3)/Akademi
1) Keperawatan = 160 orang
2) Kebidanan = 39 orang
3) Kesehatan Gigi/Keperawatan Gigi = 35 orang
4) Teknik Gigi = 8 orang
5) Analis Kesehatan = 40 orang
6) Gizi = 4 orang
7) Rontgen/Teknik Rontgen/Penta = 6 orang
8) Fisioterapi = 4 orang
9) Rekam Medik = 2 orang
10) Akademi Kesehatan = 4 orang
11) Komputer/Informatik a = 4 orang

Bagi pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan seleksi yang telah ditentukan, bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah negara Republik Indonesia.

1. Seleksi masuk pegawai Negeri Sipil Dephan tidak dipungut biaya dan bebas KKN.
2. Dephan tidak bertanggung jawab atas pungutan atau tawaran berupa apapun oleh oknum-oknum yang mengatasnamakan Dephan atau Panitia, sehingga peserta diharapkan tidak melayani tawaran-tawaran untuk mempermudah penerimaan sebagai CPNS Dephan.
3. Informasi resmi yang terkait dengan seleksi CPNS Dephan 2007 hanya dapat dilihat dalam website Dephan http://www.dephan. atau http://dmcindonesia. dan media cetak harian Media Indonesia dan Suara Pembaharuan

Jakarta, September 2007




Take it or Leave it?

have you ever heard about it? the question above is about your choice to decide about something that is really important. For other people can be bargain clothes or electronic stuff in the market. but my intend to write about it actually more about the choice for your career. when you live the big cities like Jakarta with all the rush hour and urgent movement, you are include in what many people said as metropolis worker where you are busy to chase higher career and more income. Whether you like or dislike, this thing do happen in every people life (daily). For example, if you hired in big company and they offer you good income as you wish or expected, you will feel satisfy but other plan will show up when will i get promotion?

Hey dude.... you just hired as a new employee, now you are thinking about that? it is really ridiculuos, well it is still happening to many people, how about if you hired with low income and the choice will be take it or leave it? if you choose leave it that mean get ready for back to your beginning which is jobless. These days it is very difficult to find a job, but still many people became "jumping bug" who move from one job to another. this is not fair for others who is trying to get a job very hard. how about me? i worked for Government and what do i get? low income and unclear career? those questions maintain in fresh worker who join government office/institution.

For me, you can said that i am government staff who is trying and striving for better career through scholarship especially in public health field of study. i do believe when you get higher degree you will gain more both for your life and work environment. It is not easy or difficult for getting the scholarship but there is always hope and "bright light" when you keep trying ..keep trying and never stop. I choose take it when it is very clear with my life mission and leave it when i am not capable to do that.
What is your choice? think smart ok friends

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Surrender to Thee

God hath made everything beautiful in His Time ...
Today i sent my ADS application with a faith and hope in my heart, "Bless this application O Lord". Many things happen in my life without i ever expect those things came to me. I remembered when i got the letter from embassy of india about travel grant for 2 months, i was so excited and happy because i always hope that someday i will go abroad to have world experience and meet new people ...the first step arrived

Another step when i got travel grant for Public Health Conference in Bangkok 2006 moreover i gave presentation, it was unforgettable moments that i spoke to many people and they satisfied with my presentation, how about next step???

Thanks GOD, 3 months ago i went back again to Bangkok for Biosafety Conference. It was good to be back in Bangkok with all hectic schedule and people coming everywhere. is this the last step....

I wonder next November whether i can go to Saitama,Japan for 39th APACPH (public health conference) but
i know one thing i have to give my best with all efforts and hard works so finally the blessing of Jesus Christ come upon me and my world adventure step wont stop right now.....

I believe i can fly, i believe i can touch the sky, when my GOD abide with me, i wont forget my mission from diploma to post graduate degree, Amien...Amien...Amien.
next flight goes to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _????

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Injury Time for ADS application

Gosh............ time now has indicated injury time for all of ADS applicants, so it is better to prepare and do final check again before you send to ADS Office.

How about my application? well as far as i know, i have fulfill all the requirements and tonight i have to look for my passport and tommorow if it is possible to send three documents straight to ADS Office in Kuningan.

Heart beat 1......2......3......

Go...go..go Jerico...thats what people said to me

I just do what should i do and i know that God will do the best for me. For all of you ADS Applicant wish you good luck and may our dream come true....

Oooppss.. i forgot to say that one of my mission to follow ADS because i want MBA (married by ausaid) ^_^

Go Boy Power ---------------------------------------->waiting for mission accomplish

Monday, September 3, 2007

I'll see you in heaven "brother Jhonly"

September 1, 2007 at 5-6 in the morning, my brother felt terrible pain in his lung and hard to breath, all his family cried loudly and hope that he would be ok, nurses and doctor worked so hard to maintain his breath, his mother stared him deeply with faith in her heart to GOD....times running and running...


God has another plan for Jhonly life, HE called him and ended his life period on the earth. A deep lost for his beloved family. I knew about that sad news when my mother woke me up and she cried "Jhonly just passed away" I woke up so fast and ignored my room condition (actually really mess every part of my room). One by one neighbors came and prepared the venue for beloved Jhonly.


So many questions appeared in all of his family and friends but...with all the pain and suffer period, I think it was the best thing for him.

Me and Jhonly???

You can say that i very closed with him because we grown up together since we were kids and i will remember one event with him when both of us lost and we didnt know how to get back home, the funniest thing we lost at the back of our house, can you imagine that? ^__^hahaha....both of us just laugh so loud when we knew where we are actually...

Jhonly you back again to Thee. I believe Jesus has saves you before you die and i'll see you in heaven brother.

From dust back to dust in Jesus Christ.