Monday, January 14, 2008

one more to go

after so long, i have never write again for my blog, well friends...along that "zero writing" time i experienced many things such as :

1. a talk currently happen between my parents with her parents about our wedding plan...please pray for this..
2. i have followed speaking test with my examiner Mr. Douglas, friendly examiner, i wonder how will the result from him? hehehe.....
3. i finished my reading, writing and listening test as a part of ADS IELTS test... i have to wait for the next 2 weeks.. wish me the best ok
4. i finished my time as teaching assistant for this semester.. how about next semester?

At last, i want to concentrate for JST interview on January 22, 2008 at JW Marriot....

c'mon jerico franciscus pardosi.... do your very best... Jesus gives you HIS very best too...

Scholarship..... here i come......^__^

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