Tuesday, January 29, 2008

can't wait the right time...to talk

Dear Friends,

The end of this month will be a crucial life to me for settle a family. i can't wait the right time to talk to my parents about further talks with her parents. O God help me...

I believe this year is the year of goodness from Jesus Christ.

God Bless my expectations

In His Time, He make things beautiful according to HIS WILL

Monday, January 28, 2008

He passed away...

On January 27, 2008 at 13.10 Indonesian time, former second Indonesia president HM. Soeharto passed away due to multiorgan failure after suffering bad health condition for the last 5 years.

Many opinions about him, for about 32 years, Soeharto leaded this country by increasing economic growth with professors from University of Indonesia. Despite good and worse decision made by him and his minister, i am still proud of what he had done to this country.

yet, no man is perfect in this world. So long smiling Soeharto...rest in peace.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Be Strong my sister

Dear sister,

Please remember one thing, everything is beautiful in HIS TIME, if today ain't support you

it looks like your prayer is wasted by our LORD, no..He still listening to you

all of us hope the same thing as you wish, but what happen now was part of your life process

never stop to put your hope in Jesus

never give up no matter the situation

cause Jesus never forget you my sister...

Be strong and give thanks to Jesus Christ......He loves you

and so do us

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Waiting Patiently for ADS RESULT,AMIEN

here i am now after yesterday i had tough and great interview with Prof. Richard and Mrs. Ros from ADS JST Interviewer Team. now i have to wait patiently for the final result of my scholarship. if you ask me how did i do yesterday? well...you can say i did fine and i don't want to decide what will be the result for me but i believe i have did the best and GOD do the rest for me, AMIEN.

They told me the announcement will be make on Mid February together with the IELTS result. huhhhh.... GOD please help me with my hope to study in Australia and i am still hang on with my hope to go this year there, AMIEN...AMIEN...AMIEN.

I met new friends such as ELLA ANTARA (this girl is full of joy and easy going but not forget coming late..hehehe), BA NIKEN WVI (this world is very small, she is daughter of Prof. Soekidjo, can you believe it, nice talk with her), OTHER FRIENDS FROM SETNEG (both of them waiting till the last interview participant, i got stories about their work for the country, go girls)..hmmm who else...i am happy to be there yesterday.

Aussie....here we come..........

Jesus Bless us

Monday, January 14, 2008

one more to go

after so long, i have never write again for my blog, well friends...along that "zero writing" time i experienced many things such as :

1. a talk currently happen between my parents with her parents about our wedding plan...please pray for this..
2. i have followed speaking test with my examiner Mr. Douglas, friendly examiner, i wonder how will the result from him? hehehe.....
3. i finished my reading, writing and listening test as a part of ADS IELTS test... i have to wait for the next 2 weeks.. wish me the best ok
4. i finished my time as teaching assistant for this semester.. how about next semester?

At last, i want to concentrate for JST interview on January 22, 2008 at JW Marriot....

c'mon jerico franciscus pardosi.... do your very best... Jesus gives you HIS very best too...

Scholarship..... here i come......^__^