Thursday, November 27, 2008

what is next ???

....Oppsssss, so medical check up for my wife is next process... ready for it Rida?

Friday, November 14, 2008

Preparing for My Wife documents

Oooops... i came back again few days ago from Hanoi and KL to attend the International Injury Prevention and Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health 2008. Both conference awesome and met many people including old friends.
But now, i have to manage my wife documents. It was started with passport and on Monday, we will go again there for photo and interview session and have to come back again to take the passport.
Next thing to do after that is conduct medical check up for her at Medikaloka clinic (i have friends there). After that, to put all documents in one portfolio and when i take my passport and ticket from Ms. Lia, i will hand in my wife documents so she will join me as soon as possible.
I hope in February, she will join me.
Ok, i have to go again, to ask for exit permit for 1,5 years (hopefully i can get another scholarship to pursue PhD in Aussie or US).
All Things are possible in Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Prepare to Brisbane...

After many months stop writing, now i am start to write again...

So, update information are IELTS score more than 6.5, got full offer from UQ and prepare for my departure to Brisbane.

I also dealing with my wife papers.

write again soon friends,

Jesus Bless you

Jeri & Ida

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

About Bram....

Hi all,

today, i want to write about one of the 8w2 member at IALF, known as The Natural Joker. He works for Ministry of Transportation eventhough his educational background was not in transportation subject. But anyway, he was accepted as ADS 2008 scholars awardee. Isn't it great?! According to Bram, he decribes himself as...

1. 1 word : Freak
2. 3 words : Cool Cute Freak
3. 1 sentence : A missable, cute and cool yet hot freaks that love
chocolate, hip-hop and women so much and not peserve to
go to the heaven but can't afford to go to hell either.

wanna know about him more...judge your self from next post picture....

see yaaaa

Friday, July 18, 2008

IALF here i come and study... ^_^

It is been so long for met not writing in this personal blog. well one thing for sure, i have to prepare for the EAP (English Academic Purpose) at IALF Kuningan for 8 weeks. I must increase my IELTS score from 6.5 to 7.0 with no less than 6.0 especially for writing skill. Practice.. and practice is the keypoint to improve my ability.

I have to get up earlier in the morning in order to get there in time, quite far from my house. Thanks GOD, i have my wife will wake me up in the morning..hehehe... I love u babe...

Ok, till i write again... take care...


Saturday, June 28, 2008

Today we will walk with LORD JESUS forever and ever

Dear Lord...
I am so thankful for what have YOU done to both of us. Blessing upon this new family and Prayer from all people around us.
Dear God...
Bless all the people who came and pray for us even for the people that we invited but they didn't come due to several reasons. May The blessing from Jesus upon them, Halelujah.
Dear Holy Spirit...
Give us the illumination of YOUR WORDS.
Finally Lord, give us children as your gift from Heaven.
In Jesus Name, we pray and God Gives our needs, AMIEN

Thursday, June 12, 2008

cleaning data... rush..rush..rush

after so long, i never writing in my own blog.... well i am in the rush situation for cleaning survey data up to mid July 2008... after that... i join the english course from ADS.

please wait for my next article....

keep the spirit!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Bless for the new family

Finally, May 3, 2008 i married her and i felt happy with all people came and gave their greeting for both of us. There was no rain occur around the reception venue but surrounding was heavy rain... thank you Jesus...

Yesterday, we moved to rent house not far from her parents house,please wish me the best for my family future.

please wait for next photo session... it is all about our wedding blessing and party.

Happily ever after

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Pre Wedding Preparation


it seems that day comes faster for both us... me and her have to prepare for our pre wedding photo session at Kawah Putih, Bandung. i am so thankful for all recent preparation for our wedding day.

get ready and maintain our health too....

God Bless you all

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

From day to the next day getting worse

You must be wondering what kind of event happening right now in my life.. well actually it is not about me, but moreover the price of fried oil incresing significantly from normal price across Indonesia market and not just that due to unstable economic policy made by the government (according to what i heard from the radio and television) cause almost all daily needs price rise up twice even triple from their original price.

I still remember the fried oil price used to be lower that eggs but now everything change and who will be the victim of all this? THE PEOPLE and THE PEOPLE in low economic ability.

The other day, i heard the news about a old man suicide himself, can you imagine? the next day, a mother and her infant child died due to malnutrition and could not buy foods.

what will happen the next day in this nation?

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Ready for the BIG DAY

Dear Father in Heaven, As we come before your throne, with our offering of love, we ask you to bless our union of marriage. We pray that you will be the third strand that binds us together and cannot be broken. May You be the guiding light shining on this chosen path of lifelong commitment to each other and You. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen
Dear Father in Heaven, All honor and glory be to the one and only living God. In response to Your commands, we come before you to be united as one in our vow of marriage. May your guiding hand be upon our life as we join our hearts, minds, and bodies as one. May our marriage continue to blossom and grow into the plans you have prepared for us. May we focus on Christ as the center of our love. In His Name. Amen.
To the One and Only Living God We praise you and magnify You through the love you have given us for each other. May your Holy Love flow through us and become an inheritance for our children and children’s children. We ask you to sanctify us and keep us centered upon Your desires. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Our Father, We beseech You, Oh Lord, to be our strength and refreshment for the journey we are beginning through this marriage. As we travel down the road, may we never veer to the left nor to the right. May we rejoice in the good times and thank you in the times of trials, as we know they are for our maturity and growth. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Time to Prepare

Thanks GOD... now i have to prepare the best for OUR DAY, wish me the best ok friends.

Time to Prepare....Go on....and go on

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

wish u the best my sister hanna and cherly

Morning all,

Today i pray to GOD

for HIS Blessing for my both sister

to Hanna, please LORD

help her with her final research and make our dream come true for middle term graduation year for her

give her patient attitude and wisdom to act everything according to YOUR will

to Cherly, Please LORD

give YOUR guidance to her so that she can get her dream job in the goverment sector

bless all her application.

Thank you LORD

Monday, February 18, 2008

Finally They Knew About me and ADS


This morning when i opened my office email, i was stunned when one of my collegue sent email to our mailing list about my scholarship acceptance of ADS 2008. the respond? marvelous... including my boss, she called me and talked a lot about this ADS scholars awardee.

At least, i felt relief with their email.

ok...get ready to prepare the D-Day.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Miracle starts to come over my life

Praise The Lord!Halleluya...

I love monday, but moreover and most important i love Jesus. miracle happens this morning to me due the announcement of ADS awardees and my name was included in the list.

Thank you Jesus...i know i am highly favor in YOUR EYES.

believe this "getting close to HIM make me comfortable to deal the problems even the worse problems that has come or will come to my life but i know for sure...i am the favor of GOD"

Aussie here we come...

Give thanks to MY Prince of PEACE -- Jesus Christ

Friday, February 1, 2008

counting days

how many days more? not very long do i feel? well, quite worry but still has confident that THE BEST WILL COME FOR ME...

please wish me the best ok friends

Aussie here we come, AMIEN.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

can't wait the right talk

Dear Friends,

The end of this month will be a crucial life to me for settle a family. i can't wait the right time to talk to my parents about further talks with her parents. O God help me...

I believe this year is the year of goodness from Jesus Christ.

God Bless my expectations

In His Time, He make things beautiful according to HIS WILL

Monday, January 28, 2008

He passed away...

On January 27, 2008 at 13.10 Indonesian time, former second Indonesia president HM. Soeharto passed away due to multiorgan failure after suffering bad health condition for the last 5 years.

Many opinions about him, for about 32 years, Soeharto leaded this country by increasing economic growth with professors from University of Indonesia. Despite good and worse decision made by him and his minister, i am still proud of what he had done to this country.

yet, no man is perfect in this world. So long smiling in peace.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Be Strong my sister

Dear sister,

Please remember one thing, everything is beautiful in HIS TIME, if today ain't support you

it looks like your prayer is wasted by our LORD, no..He still listening to you

all of us hope the same thing as you wish, but what happen now was part of your life process

never stop to put your hope in Jesus

never give up no matter the situation

cause Jesus never forget you my sister...

Be strong and give thanks to Jesus Christ......He loves you

and so do us

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Waiting Patiently for ADS RESULT,AMIEN

here i am now after yesterday i had tough and great interview with Prof. Richard and Mrs. Ros from ADS JST Interviewer Team. now i have to wait patiently for the final result of my scholarship. if you ask me how did i do yesterday? can say i did fine and i don't want to decide what will be the result for me but i believe i have did the best and GOD do the rest for me, AMIEN.

They told me the announcement will be make on Mid February together with the IELTS result. huhhhh.... GOD please help me with my hope to study in Australia and i am still hang on with my hope to go this year there, AMIEN...AMIEN...AMIEN.

I met new friends such as ELLA ANTARA (this girl is full of joy and easy going but not forget coming late..hehehe), BA NIKEN WVI (this world is very small, she is daughter of Prof. Soekidjo, can you believe it, nice talk with her), OTHER FRIENDS FROM SETNEG (both of them waiting till the last interview participant, i got stories about their work for the country, go girls)..hmmm who else...i am happy to be there yesterday. we come..........

Jesus Bless us

Monday, January 14, 2008

one more to go

after so long, i have never write again for my blog, well friends...along that "zero writing" time i experienced many things such as :

1. a talk currently happen between my parents with her parents about our wedding plan...please pray for this..
2. i have followed speaking test with my examiner Mr. Douglas, friendly examiner, i wonder how will the result from him? hehehe.....
3. i finished my reading, writing and listening test as a part of ADS IELTS test... i have to wait for the next 2 weeks.. wish me the best ok
4. i finished my time as teaching assistant for this semester.. how about next semester?

At last, i want to concentrate for JST interview on January 22, 2008 at JW Marriot....

c'mon jerico franciscus pardosi.... do your very best... Jesus gives you HIS very best too...

Scholarship..... here i come......^__^