Monday, November 26, 2007


Dear friend,

last friday, one of the ads officer called me about the documents from ADS whether i already got it. At least i am happy to hear that my name is one of the shortlist members for 2008 scholarship. i talked through YM with bang Andi (thanks bang!) this morning. He shared his experience about ADS and the condition of interview that i will face it.
well friends, i think it is normal that my expectation became greater since i knew my name was included in shorlist ADS. Preparation is the key of success because God will do the rest while i am doing my very best. i have to collect information about their culture as a comparison for me importantly related to their way of learning.
January 2008, the beginning of the year in which i have to mark my life in 2008 with ielts and interview test. i believe that month will be a starting point for all my future plan...
wish me the best ok and dont forget to pray for Jerico F Pardosi

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