Monday, November 26, 2007

Strive for HIS Plan

When we talk about life, there will be so many definitions about it, from economic point of view till spiritual life. everybody in this world chasing their dream with variety ways. Strive for the best is a must for everyone who want to gain success in their life. I know it is not easy but if we try step by step we will understand our life process.
For Jerico Pardosi, being a successful person is not all about how much money you have, how many cars you got or in what position you are, but the main thing is being what God want us to be according to HIS PLAN. why? cause when you follow HIS WORDS then HE will Lead you to HIS PLAN and i knew that HIS PLAN never make a person to be in great loss instead full joy in our life no matter how difficult is our life.
So now the question will be "How can I strive for HIS PLAN"
the answer..... TRUST AND OBEY OUR GOD


Dear friend,

last friday, one of the ads officer called me about the documents from ADS whether i already got it. At least i am happy to hear that my name is one of the shortlist members for 2008 scholarship. i talked through YM with bang Andi (thanks bang!) this morning. He shared his experience about ADS and the condition of interview that i will face it.
well friends, i think it is normal that my expectation became greater since i knew my name was included in shorlist ADS. Preparation is the key of success because God will do the rest while i am doing my very best. i have to collect information about their culture as a comparison for me importantly related to their way of learning.
January 2008, the beginning of the year in which i have to mark my life in 2008 with ielts and interview test. i believe that month will be a starting point for all my future plan...
wish me the best ok and dont forget to pray for Jerico F Pardosi

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


next week will be my destiny week due to last chance of getting higher score on that test (if you read my previous post, you will understand my situation).

this week i have to work harder than before and strive for the best to become industrious boy.

well, tommorow i will go to my old campus to translate and certified transcripts after that i have to go back again to my campus for teaching assistant.

wish me luck all