Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Chasing My Star

last night i didnt go straight to my mom's shop due to motorcycle accident that was hit her mom, thanks God everything is ok and right now will continue for shoulder injury operation at Carolus. I believe that her mom will be fine soon and back to her class again.

yesterday several friends talked about the twin moon, well for me it had a great and fascinating view when i saw the sunset around 5 in the evening. it is totally red moon.

well talking about the red moon, i imagine my self right now chasing my star for brighter future for me, her and all the family. star is one of the things that most of the kids will remember because of the song twinkle twinkle little star..haha..^_^ do you still remember the lyrics

"i wonder where you are" star.. i am looking for you....

My star please shine so brightly that i will hold you in my hand and fly away so high to the red moon

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