Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Journey begins with three of us...but hope in God...

Our latest picture before Christmas Service 2011. Ezekiel has grown up so fast. Now, He is not a baby any more. Nevertheless, He is still funny and friendly. We love you son. We all pray that GOD will give a baby girl for us. Proud of my lovely wife.

Lead our journey Lord Jesus, into the land of promise.

Faith in Christ. Hallelujah, Amen.

The Jakarta Post Ad...

Could not wait for my ad in the Jakarta Post edition.... oh yeahhhh

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Looking for accommodation...

Finally GOD... I got a room close by campus. I am ready back to campus and life as a PhD student. These are some pictures of my new room...

It will take about 20-25 minutes walking or 5 minutes by bus.

Thank you Lord Jesus. It reminded me of a song entitled God will make a way when there seem to be no way by Don Moen.

Yes Lord, I am ready. All things are possible in Christ. I believe that it is Your will that I have to study in Sydney. I also trust that I shall bring my family all to Sydney. Thank you for my brothers and sisters in Christ for your help. God bless you all.

From Jakarta to Sydney, with the grace of God. Hallelujah Praise Mighty God. In Christ Jesus, Amen.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Paper work...

Huffff... so many things to prepare in very limited time. But I am so grateful that Lord give me strength to overcome all these papers work.

Time flies so fast. I am enjoying my time with mom and El. I am hoping that they will join me soon. Oh God, help me with this. I believe Your words. The land that I will go is the land with milk and honey. Make my journey succeed to glorify You.

I pray Mighty God. Glorify me so I could glorify Your Name.