Wednesday, September 3, 2008

About Bram....

Hi all,

today, i want to write about one of the 8w2 member at IALF, known as The Natural Joker. He works for Ministry of Transportation eventhough his educational background was not in transportation subject. But anyway, he was accepted as ADS 2008 scholars awardee. Isn't it great?! According to Bram, he decribes himself as...

1. 1 word : Freak
2. 3 words : Cool Cute Freak
3. 1 sentence : A missable, cute and cool yet hot freaks that love
chocolate, hip-hop and women so much and not peserve to
go to the heaven but can't afford to go to hell either.

wanna know about him more...judge your self from next post picture....

see yaaaa