Thursday, February 28, 2008

Ready for the BIG DAY

Dear Father in Heaven, As we come before your throne, with our offering of love, we ask you to bless our union of marriage. We pray that you will be the third strand that binds us together and cannot be broken. May You be the guiding light shining on this chosen path of lifelong commitment to each other and You. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen
Dear Father in Heaven, All honor and glory be to the one and only living God. In response to Your commands, we come before you to be united as one in our vow of marriage. May your guiding hand be upon our life as we join our hearts, minds, and bodies as one. May our marriage continue to blossom and grow into the plans you have prepared for us. May we focus on Christ as the center of our love. In His Name. Amen.
To the One and Only Living God We praise you and magnify You through the love you have given us for each other. May your Holy Love flow through us and become an inheritance for our children and children’s children. We ask you to sanctify us and keep us centered upon Your desires. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Our Father, We beseech You, Oh Lord, to be our strength and refreshment for the journey we are beginning through this marriage. As we travel down the road, may we never veer to the left nor to the right. May we rejoice in the good times and thank you in the times of trials, as we know they are for our maturity and growth. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Time to Prepare

Thanks GOD... now i have to prepare the best for OUR DAY, wish me the best ok friends.

Time to Prepare....Go on....and go on

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

wish u the best my sister hanna and cherly

Morning all,

Today i pray to GOD

for HIS Blessing for my both sister

to Hanna, please LORD

help her with her final research and make our dream come true for middle term graduation year for her

give her patient attitude and wisdom to act everything according to YOUR will

to Cherly, Please LORD

give YOUR guidance to her so that she can get her dream job in the goverment sector

bless all her application.

Thank you LORD

Monday, February 18, 2008

Finally They Knew About me and ADS


This morning when i opened my office email, i was stunned when one of my collegue sent email to our mailing list about my scholarship acceptance of ADS 2008. the respond? marvelous... including my boss, she called me and talked a lot about this ADS scholars awardee.

At least, i felt relief with their email.

ok...get ready to prepare the D-Day.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Miracle starts to come over my life

Praise The Lord!Halleluya...

I love monday, but moreover and most important i love Jesus. miracle happens this morning to me due the announcement of ADS awardees and my name was included in the list.

Thank you Jesus...i know i am highly favor in YOUR EYES.

believe this "getting close to HIM make me comfortable to deal the problems even the worse problems that has come or will come to my life but i know for sure...i am the favor of GOD"

Aussie here we come...

Give thanks to MY Prince of PEACE -- Jesus Christ

Friday, February 1, 2008

counting days

how many days more? not very long do i feel? well, quite worry but still has confident that THE BEST WILL COME FOR ME...

please wish me the best ok friends

Aussie here we come, AMIEN.